Saturday, June 18, 2016

Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California

Sometimes in Jimerica!, rainy days are welcome. It gives me a guilt free day to sit, write, and relax. Today is such a day. So, instead of being out on my mountain bike, I am sitting in the back of a little pub hoping to catch up on blogging. Let’s see how this goes. Wish me luck.

When last we spoke, I had just arrived to Humboldt Redwoods State Park. This park has 19 of the 25 tallest trees on earth, and I visited many of them. A few days ago, I had my hand on a tree that was over 360 feet tall, 53 feet around, and about 2000 years old. I found that most people who approached the tree did something similar to what I did. They approached slowly, looking it up and down, trying to take it in, then walked up and put their hand on it. Some said, “hello” or “hey there”. 

One of the first monster trees I met. Jimerica! says hello, monster tree!

See my camera sitting on the tree?

There are many “groves” here, which is what they call small sections of the old growth forest, full of these massive trees. There is also an area within the park called “Rockefeller Forest” which is the largest old growth costal redwood forest in the world. It’s dim and cool in here, even at noontime.

See the Jimericycle?

Always shady.

You see a lot of stuff like this you can walk right through

Just driving the road through Humboldt, called “The Avenue of Giants”, is an amazing experience.

This is the road off of Avenue of Giants that leads to Rockefeller Forest.

The Avenue of Giants

I camped at a great campsite, called “Burlington”. It was also home to the park’s visitor center. They had daily guided nature walks and entertainment on their stage every evening. I did some riding here, but mostly I hiked. In every other place I’d been, riding was great because you could get to the next cool view quickly. However, here, what you wanted to see was on top of you and around every corner. So, walking slowly is the way to do it here.  Here’s a shot of my campsite (exciting!):

Burlington Campsite, Humboldt Redwood Forest.

OOOOH?!? Did you notice my swank new digs? Yes, Little Ol' Tenty bit the dust. Dealing with the oversized air mattress was a lot for my little old home, but then a rainy and windy night came along and finished Ol' Tenty off. So, Jimerica! now has a nice new and bigger tent. Can this post get even more exciting?!?! Let’s find out together. 

I met my camp neighbors, Gabby and Tyler, sitting on this big ol' tree stump. Tyler was on his way west to start a new job. I believe Gabby said she was a camp counselor for kids with autism. They both recently graduated from the University of New England:
There are stumps like this all over the campground. They have ladders carved into them so you can climb up.
I met some cool people in the crazy little town of Myers Flat, California. First was Britney. When I first met Britney, she was standing in the middle of the coffee shop she worked in changing her clothes. She did this skillfully enough to not expose anything, sort of like a strip tease. I found myself to be very patient through this process, and then bought some coffee. I would see Britney in two subsequent outfits before the end of this day. Britany moved here from Idaho 4 years ago. She also has an awesome dog, 'Sissy'.

Britney at The Myers Flat Saloon

Britney's dog, Sissy. Who's a good doggy?!?!?!

Then, of course, I met most of the staff at the local Saloon. Most notably, I met the owner, Bill Meagher. Bill owns this Saloon and, I get the feeling, about half the town. He's owned the Myers Flat Saloon for 48 years. He is 91 years old. He is 100% as cool as he looks.
Bill Meagher. Owner of the Myers Flat Saloon. This is his seat near the bar.
As soon as the bartenders, Laurel and Michele, confirmed that I wasn't a cop. They agreed to let me get a shot of them, on the condition that I was in the photo. This flies in the face of the Jimerica! Code. But, honestly, what the hell is the Jimerica! Code? It sounds made up. So, I jumped behind the bar. Please appreciate the wild boar overhead:
You've never seen a place like this. I'm here with Michele (left), and Laurel. You may remember Laurel from my previous post.
I didn't get to learn much about Michele, besides the fact that she's here visiting from Las Vegas. Laurel moved here 2.5 years ago. She's into yoga and has made some of her own videos, but hasn't decided if she wants to market them yet. Oh, and she is a master of analogies and has a very appropriate tattoo for a woman named Laurel.

I also met Carrie, who likes a guy named Fernando a LOT.  Carrie was originally from Minnesota, then lived in Washington State for 6 years, and has been here for 6 months. Did I mention that she really likes a guy named Fernando? More on that later. Here she is doing her best Blue Steel (see: Zoolander). The wild boar is also doing its best Blue Steel:

And then Sweet Pika. She's lived here for a year. She's from Chicago and we discovered that we've both backpacked Guatemala. She's also backpacked Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. And she has an interesting tattoo that I did not ask her to explain. Pika:

Oh, and then the people on my side of the bar. There was Dave and Chris. Dave has been coming to the Redwood Run since it's first year in 1980 when it only cost $10. Now, it's over $200. 

Dave and Chris

Then I met James and Linda. This was their first trip to the Redwood Run. James wore a leather biker jacked covered in patches that he said were a sort of history of the places he's been and the things he's done. James is 71. An activity that he was really into for about 48 years was drag racing. 

James and Linda. Jimerica! loves meeting folks like this.
A few of the many places he's been.

He worked as an EMT for a time

And spent 48 years drag racing

And is planning on getting as much as he can out of this life.
Well, it's about time I let you all get back to your lives. But, before we go, I promised to get back to some tattoo related items. So, here are some tattoos:

I told you Carrie really liked Fernando:

This is the right tattoo for a woman named Laurel:

I didn't inquire about Pika's tattoo beyond asking to get a shot of it:
And that's it, folks! I hope you enjoyed this post. Humboldt and Myers Flat were a blast. As I noted before, I'm now sitting in my next destination which I can say has some of the most fun mountain biking I've yet to do on this trip. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow, but I may stick around for another day. Oh, the flexibility of Jimerica! Thanks for reading!

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